Jahi, F.C.T.

TYPOLOGY : Institutional
CLIENT : Halcrow Infrastructure Ltd.
SIZE : 5430sqm
STATUS : Design Proposal

The longer stretch of the somewhat narrow site is along the northwest – southeast axis; which in one way dictated the reason for the orientation of our building along same axis.

The form of the building is our response to the high temperature in this region. In effect, two façades that are most affected have been treated to mitigate the impact of the sun. On the south-eastern façade, the plane of the building is slanted at 74° to align with the peak elevation angle of the sun, thus preventing direct sunlight from entering the building. In addition, break-out terraces have also been introduced on each floor on this façade to provide shade for the floor below. The slightly concave south-western façade is to be clad with insulated glass panels to reduce the amount of heat transfer.

Clad in glass to provide panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, this 42-metre-high training centre is characterized by striking diagrid lattice along the two long facades; and cascading terraces along the shorter sides. It is hoped that the building will become a landmark in this region and draw development to the area.